
Individual Coaching

partner and trail guide to your most abundant and integrated life

Group Coaching

educator, moderator, trainer and facilitator to take your team, family, or impact group to the next level.

Emergency Response

a strong, loving, and equipped presence in life’s most difficult times


thought partner and perspective-enhancer on matters of social and emotional development, biblical exegesis and hermeneutics, professional development, effective communication, and much more


fresh perspectives for congregations


creating cultivated growth containers in the form of retreats, workshops, devotion, and studies


assessment, vision, culture, strategy, courage, and communication for institutions of hope and positive change. specializing in stewardship/fund development and strategic paradigm shifts

Milestone Ceremonies

personalized, creative, meaning-rich rituals, ceremonies, and sacraments that honor your own traditions and wisdom


a grounded, intelligent, and inspiring voice for your audience of seventy or seven hundred

“Without love, all worship is a burden; all dancing is a chore, all music is mere noise.”

— Rumi

“Whoever you are, you are human. Wherever you are, you are in the world, which is just waiting for you to notice the holiness in it. So welcome to your own priesthood, practiced at the altar of your own life. The good news is that you have everything you need to begin.”

— Barbara Brown Taylor, An Altar in the World